
Baron Grim Free

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  1. about 10 hours ago on Doonesbury

    I worked at a commercial photo lab in the ‘90s in Houston, and we often made slide dupes of artwork appearing in local galleries. One artist’s work intrigued me, as I made 50 copies each of her “statues” without any context. Her “statues” appeared to be of various abstract animal forms, with features smoothed out and beige colored, dressed in thin, cheap lingerie and plastic costume jewelery. It was more interesting than some of the literal trash some were exhibiting… Until I read an article in the local arts & music paper. Those “statues” were just premade taxidermy. She just tossed some cheap fluffery on somethings she ordered in a catalog. At least the trash artist found his own trash.

  2. 18 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    I can almost hear the music from that scene looking at the last panel.

  3. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    Also, that crosswalk is dangerous enough with metered parking so close on both sides of it. With cars parked there, passing drivers may not see pedestrians.

  4. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    This is NOT a conundrum! Don’t cross safety barriers! In the real world, that crosswalk would be closed for construction, maintenance, or maybe malfunctioning signals.

  5. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “Laziness Monster” is often the alter ego of Major Depression.

  6. about 1 month ago on Monty

    Nah, he’s definitely sniffing his chin. Haven’t you ever sniffed your chin?

  7. about 1 month ago on Rip Haywire

    OK, if we accept the notion that Rip’s life has been a sham for years, that Cobra was a clone and Breezy a secret Skull agent and that he was an experiment that failed to create a super-baddie… Wouldn’t TNT have noticed something!?

  8. about 1 month ago on Wallace the Brave

    Even vultures’ knees bend the wrong way.

  9. about 1 month ago on Monty

    In the words of Bender B. Rodriguez, “Bite my shiny metal @$$!”

    So, that seems to confirm at least posterior nether regions.

  10. about 1 month ago on Arlo and Janis

    Do you know how to recognize a ‘dad joke’?

    It’s apparent.