Cartoon kathy

Kaycee Lane Free

Horse owner (dressage, jumping), Scuba diver & spear fisher, Actor, Dancer, Teacher, Gardener, Wife, Mom, Floridian

Recent Comments

  1. about 11 hours ago on Luann

    If you signed up for Luann Fan Mail, you got a message this morning explaining everything. In short, Jay, who was in college and an aspiring cartoonist, met Greg in 1998. This year Jay and Karen saw each other at a comic con in Chicago, and Jay said he’d love the chance to be a guest artist. Greg and Karen both loved the idea.

  2. 2 days ago on Luann

    Nobody knows better how to raise children than the childless… lol

  3. 30 days ago on Dog Eat Doug

    I’m surprised the kittens would stoop so low as to sleep with the dogs!

  4. about 1 month ago on Pickles

    Long hair is a lot of work. And as others have mentioned, as we age our hair changes. The texture may change, it may get thinner, or if it is colored the chemicals can cause damage. Cutting it shorter is sometimes the best way to keep it looking nice. I’ve seen some women who have kept their long hair that would probably look much better if they got it cut short.

  5. about 2 months ago on Rose is Rose

    If I ate my lunch in a place like that… I might not go back into the building!

  6. about 2 months ago on Luann

    Back when this arc started, on March 27, they had a rebranding assignment due on April 1. I think it’s a little over due at this point. As is a different arc.

  7. 2 months ago on Luann

    And, are they going to get the assignment that started this whole arc done??

  8. 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    I remember that story too. They told Lynn Johnston that she should make Farley go out a hero.

  9. 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Except you can’t say “She was an old child” can you? You know, when you get a dog or cat, that it’s likely to die before you. Nobody expects their child to die before they do. So while the pain might be just as real, I don’t think it’s quite the same. Would John and Elly be sitting and talking like this if Farley was alive and April had drowned?

  10. 2 months ago on Marmaduke

    Aw, he’s just prepping your yard for some trees to be planted!