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  1. about 6 hours ago on Adam@Home

    A while back we finished building a new garage. Great, I thought, I can go back to doing my own oil changes and save some money. Bought the oil and filter, back then it cost me $19. Then crawled under my truck, spent 10 minutes finding some way to worm an arm in to reach the filter. Pulled the drain plug, got oil all the way from my hand to my shoulder, and some on the new floor. Had to use a C clamp to get a grip in the filter to get it loose. Got more oil on me when it came off. Then, once it was all back together and fine, I had to figure a way to get the old oil to the transfer station for proper disposal, resulting in more spillage. All told over an hour spent. Next time I needed an oil change I went to the quick lube place in town, cost me $22 and was done in ten minutes. Yes, I know they don’t let it drain long enough to get the last bits of sludge out, but I ran that truck for 240,000 miles, so I guess it was Ok.

  2. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    Seems that draining the swamp consists of appointing a cast of, at least supposedly in some cases, millionaires and billionaires to “fix” things to benefit us common folks. They will fix things alright, to funnel ever more money into their own pockets. This crowd has no interest in, nor understanding of, nor care for, the needs of the masses. They have already enriched themselves on our labor and will continue too as long as possible. It is also interesting how those who now whine about thinking they are seen as traitors, after electing a convicted felon who incited an attempted insurrection, are now posturing in an effort to whitewash their gullibility. Seems things are cutting pretty close to the bone.

  3. 2 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    “Go forth and kill the Philistines. Kill the men, the women and the children. Kill their flocks, herds and fowl. Kill everything that breaths. Burn their cities to the ground, and then re-build upon the land.” Too dark, for a Wednesday??

  4. 3 days ago on Doonesbury

    Rights come with responsibilities, at least they’re supposed to, so if someone chooses to not get vaccinated, or to not vaccinate their kids, are they responsible for the illness and possible death of those they infect? After all, they made a conscious choice that caused bodily harm to another.

  5. 4 days ago on Adam@Home

    Sorry, pedantic but not wrong. At least not where I come from. Here, at least, pitch and tar come from coniferous trees (like Christmas trees) at it stings like the dickens in your eyes. Sap is from deciduous trees (like maples) and can be boiled into maple syrup (also quite tasty right out of the tree). Spruce gum, thickened spruce pitch, is also good, but you have to be careful, it can be tricky to pick the right stuff and not get a mouthful of pitch.

  6. 4 days ago on Adam@Home

    Sap is what Katy is, pitch is what comes from coniferous tress. Pedantic, I know…

  7. 7 days ago on Peanuts

    What tune is that song sung too?

  8. 8 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Decades older than she is, and still gazing at the view with no idea about the future.

  9. 8 days ago on Peanuts

    Both a wig and large mustache of exactly her hair color. Where did she get all that hair?

  10. 9 days ago on Peanuts

    Marcy cheating? I thought she was the smart one.