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  1. over 3 years ago on Gary Varvel

    There you have it, as kids you played at shooting each other , after going to a movie in which the hero’s, cowboys , shoot each other, probably trying to prove that better gun handling make a better man. idiocy! Now as a grown man you carry/display a gun in your car/truck, does that make you feel more manly?Other than a couple of hunting trips as a teenager, and deciding hunting wasn’t for me, in my 70 years living in multiple countries I have NEVER EVER felt the need to be armed.You have more chance of being shot in the US than just about anywhere on the planet, including countries at war.

  2. over 3 years ago on Gary Varvel

    With all this discussion on guns, or who should or shouldn’t have them, there is one issue that to me is overlooked. America is a very violent culture! The first reaction to almost anything, from the WH down is in some form, just shoot the buggers. It’s hero’s, real and imaginary are all gunmen of some sort or another, from wild west trigger men like Judge Bean or Billy the Kid, to John McLane or Rambo.Until this cultural violence is addressed nothin is going to change.

  3. over 3 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    I’m also thinking term limits, maybe 20 yrs, five presidential terms. Also I think 15 maybe 17 justices, that would make it more difficult to load the SC with ideologically one way or the other

  4. almost 4 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    My brother, younger than I, once couldn’t find his way out of a parking lot, not all that large, just odd shaped, I eventually had to pull out my phone maps and give him directions

  5. almost 4 years ago on Clay Bennett

    Read an opinion article a few weeks back that seemed to indicate that the turtles win is more suspicious than ever this time. Counties that have NEVER voted for him did, counties had more votes than voters, stuff like that.While the numbers individually were not that large, relatively, they added up, and since the orange virus “won” KY nobody is looking at it.I haven’t had time to verify any of it, but it’s stuff like this in states like this that makes it hard to fumigate congress of GOP

  6. over 4 years ago on Gary Varvel

    And giving enormous tax breaks to people that already have more than they can spent is good? Removing scientifically valid regulations protecting your drinking water and air doesn’t hurt anyone? Spending trillions creating and then attempting to annihilate “enemies” that otherwise don’t exist is good for everyone? Having an infrastructure so old and decrepit that it is dangerous is just wonderful? Putting kids in cages because they and their kin are attempting to escape a poverty and violence in their home countries that is in a very large part US inflicted in just perfect?I was going to ask if you are really that ignorant……………….

  7. almost 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    True believers will do anything , especially if told it’s “Gods Will”.Look at ANY religion and then tell me that it’s history isn’t what the founders envisioned. Christianity’s history is long and bloody,still going on. Judaism much the same, they even have a special celebration for genocide, Passover, Islam, much the same, Buddhism same. They have all out lived any usefulness they may have had. And if it wasn’t for force of law they would all have disappeared centuries ago.

  8. almost 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Hitler was NOT an atheist. He was raised Catholic, and belief in God was a requirement to be in the SS and the Nazi party in general.I really wish you religious nuts would stop with this myth.

  9. almost 5 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion. If you actually had anything real to offer people would come to you. you would have to waste your time harassing people, you could be doing something constructive to society.

  10. about 5 years ago on MythTickle

    When ever cashiers do that to me I always say “I know it’s good, I made it myself”. One of these days a secret service agent with no sense of humour is going to be behind me inline