Begging 001

deblee77 Free

Recent Comments

  1. 19 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Huh, I was thinking working on the playhouse he’s building for April, going to the hardware store to pick out the paint for the playhouse. It’s a hot day, so playing in the water, while washing the car and then sitting on Dad’s lap while he reads a book to April before she goes to bed. Happy Father’s Day.

  2. 25 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Family member was an animal behavior specialist. Most of the time it was teaching the owners how to understand their pets. The first order of business was to understand what the pet was doing and why. Were the owners giving mixed messages, how was the animals health? (cats peeing outside of litter box can be from unhappy because of a situation or kidney problems for example) Barking to be let in, is not a good idea, I personally have two neighbors who everyone in the neighborhood, have now called animal control several times, because they put their dogs out and let them bark non-stop. And btw there are now doggy doorbells on the market.

  3. 26 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Elly needs proper training.

  4. about 1 month ago on B.C.

    I thought it was Flubber that made it go crazy like that

  5. about 1 month ago on Luann

    My young daughter, who had to leave the movie seat up and sit on the edge, in order to see the movie, became a registered certified archologist.

  6. about 1 month ago on Luann

    She was cool, calm and took charge of the situation. And she loved her job working with the kids. I say pediatrician.

  7. about 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    We took checks all the way up until the store closed a couple years ago. (They tore our mall down.) But my all time favorite was, years ago, before Covid, I was at the bank doing a store deposit on a Saturday. When the credit card-ATM machines went down in several states. And the customers in the bank were all panicking, ‘We have errands to run, grocery shopping, how are we going to do that now!’ Umm you are in a bank, you can use cash…..

  8. about 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Edgar remembers that every time they were barking, Elly yelled at them (see the thought balloon above him). He’s being a good boy by NOT barking.

  9. about 2 months ago on Lola

    Hey I just went through all this. I got a text to check my email, to download a link, to renew my driver’s license, and after you have all the info it asks for, it says it will only send you a replacement with no extensions on it. But if I want a ‘REAL’ one (with the little star so I can fly or go in government places) I need to make an appointment and bring my birth certificate etc with me and here is a form to print and fill out ahead of time, in order to save time.

  10. 3 months ago on Luann

    Didn’t Tiffany do really nice makeovers on both Bernice and Gunther many years ago?