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Our station came up with 99% chance of snow when the snow was falling!!!!
And THEN you have to click to prove you’re Human!
Head to Lafayette LA for Mardi Gras, they throw live chickens off their roofs, whoever catches one gets to cook Da Gumbo!
The Shell station here plays ‘The Three Stooges.’ I like to go there just to watch an episode I haven’t seen in years!
Do you know how to win at life insurance? Die young!
Yeah, the traveller4 got it. The plate actually said IML8IML8! Made me laugh when I figured it out, thought I’d share.
I saw a car license plate that read "IAMLATE! IAMLATE! Guess what color the car was and the model/make of the car?
I see you watch Dr. Neil de Grasse Tyson also!
Purchased a medium wood smoker over a year ago, still learning how to keep the temp at 225F!!!!!
I wish they’d bring the original MTV back!!!
Our station came up with 99% chance of snow when the snow was falling!!!!