Just one problem. Rod had to escape from Cuba. Here, people are coming in illegally. And we have laws against that. Cantu & Castellanos frankly sound like MSNBC. President Trump was elected to build a wall to keep illegals out so that or legal immigration system can work.
So is Baldo now a comic strip just for left-wing nutcases? I’ve enjoyed it for years. Now, I despise what Cantu & Castellanos are doing. They might look at the output of Ray Billingsley for some guidance on how to make a comic strip funny without smearing an entire group of people. Baldo should avoid becoming Doonesbury.
I just don’t see Americans acting this way to Hispanics. “Baldo” is usually a warm and friendly strip. Today’s was an insult to most Americans who perceive Hispanic citizens as citizens.
Just one problem. Rod had to escape from Cuba. Here, people are coming in illegally. And we have laws against that. Cantu & Castellanos frankly sound like MSNBC. President Trump was elected to build a wall to keep illegals out so that or legal immigration system can work.