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Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on Doonesbury

    There have been dark, shadowy figures in the background of the Republican party for a very long time. I remember the stories of Teddy Roosevelt making his name by routing out the corrupt New York Republicans and Trust busting to break the ultra-wealthy’s hold on the United States economy.

    This whole attack on President Biden was because the ultra-wealthy know he was going to allow their tax breaks and corporate welfare to vanish. They are fighting that tooth-and-nail.

  2. 4 days ago on Doonesbury

    I don’t hate Trump. I just want him in prison where he belongs since he is a criminal.

  3. 4 days ago on Doonesbury

    I believe Kamala Harris is definitely capable of being a great president. President Biden wouldn’t have picked her for VP otherwise.

    Unfortunately, it isn’t about who is best for the job. In order to beat Trump, the Democratic nominee needs to pull together a coalition of Democrats, Independents, and disappointed Republicans. I believe that most of the “never Trump” voters will switch to whomever the Democratic party picks.

    Besides his successes as president, President Biden brought the “white male” vote to the coalition. It is uncertain that Kamala Harris can do that as head of the ticket. If not, she needs to pull all other demographics in larger numbers than current polls show. Personally, I didn’t believe the polls before, and I doubt them now.

    As President Biden said, there are about 50 candidates who would be able to beat Trump, but the primary voters coalesced around the Biden/Harris ticket because they had the BEST chance of beating Trump.

    I am still voting BLUE up and down the ticket, but I really think the Democrats made a strategic error. I just hope the election isn’t lost because of it.

  4. 10 days ago on Jack Ohman

    I agree. I think Ohman is trying to convey that Vance has changed his persona repeatedly to get ahead. He also set up a fraudulent charity to combat drug addiction in Ohio. The money went to benefit him, not the cause.

    Sounds like he and Trump are made for each other.

  5. 10 days ago on Rob Rogers

    That sounds horrifying! I hope the perpetrator was brought to justice.

    The only way out of this mess we are in, is to vote BLUE up and down the ticket, so there are majorities in both the House and the Senate, and we have President Joe Biden to sign the legislation.

    President Biden is already looking at proposals to reform the Supreme Court.

  6. 10 days ago on Rob Rogers

    I certainly did!

  7. 10 days ago on Jeff Stahler

    Please see Snopes.com for the full quote by President Biden, in context. Snopes debunked the Republican party members’ statements that President Biden was calling for violence.

  8. 10 days ago on Jeff Stahler

    Precisely! When I watched the video, Trump didn’t seem frightened at all. Most out of character for him…

  9. 10 days ago on Jeff Stahler

    Did you see the size of the gauze pad that Trump had placed on his ear for show at the RNC convention?

  10. 10 days ago on Dana Summers

    Good one!