Mini mini me

andycat Premium

Not the droid you're looking for. she/her

Recent Comments

  1. about 4 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m hoping she revisits the paper towels in the toilet episode.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Even the trash bags are white in this house.

  3. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    That’s good to know. Thank you!

  4. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    But that’s not the Existential Dread’s style.

  5. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Oh bother. I just realized that I should have typed “wrought by” instead of “over”. Darn lack of edit.

  6. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Probably too obscure, but I nominate Clannad’s “World of Difference”, a very uneasy song not only due to a haunting, dissonant tune.

  7. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    @howtheduck has the right of it. In this strip’s particular case, Sophie was mutilated (er, declawed) by a slimenbag (maybe even a Tidy Woman?) before her Woman got her. Thus, she can’t enlarge the tear herself, but her narration cues Natasha to nudge the story along.

  8. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    We have a winner. The Day after St Gertrude’s, in fact: March 18 2020.

  9. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Until, in your despair over the Existential Dread, you finally figure out that you can always go read something else.

  10. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Here in Camelot.