Baldo is suppose to be 16, he was 10 when his mother was killed, so if Gracie was 2/3 at the time she would be 8/9 today. In today’s comic she appears to be 6/8 so she would be 13/14 today.
Exercise is a poor way to lose weight. “To lose a pound of fat, you need to burn approximately 3,500 calories, equating to about 35 miles of running for the average person.” And often you gain weight because you will reward yourself-eat/drink a high calorie treat.
It is not like the blood bank will be able to schedule an off site blood donation drive on a few days notice or even be interested in such a small location. A better place for the blood drive would be at her community college with hundreds of possible donors or the fire station not a small cafe with < 10 workers and not many more customers.
They are not consistent with Gracie’s age. In yesterdays strip she looks like she is 3 with a little plastic trike yet she has to be 6+ since their mother was killed when Baldo was 10.
Have they been married even two years in comic time? If Luann is still 19 would that make Brad about 22?