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A TV with “real” apps. LOL
What did you do Lio, go back to 1996 for the Tickle Me Elmo?
Hugo is probably one of Lio’s discarded robots he forgot about.
Lio just got punk’d!! LOL
If they go get butter at the grocery store, I’m thinking lobstercide…
In the last panel, that look on the lobsters face, the humiliation of putting a lobster in a doghouse with a cats name over the door, PRICELESS !!!
In panel 4, the lobster is cussing, that is too soooo f*#%ing funny!!!! LMFAO
If he was in a kids nose, he would be breakfast. LMAO!!
“Dragon drool keeps falling on my head”, do do de do do do dedo…now everybody….
I’ll take an extra large monster, for my whole house.
A TV with “real” apps. LOL