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joyisanroman Free

Recent Comments

  1. 17 days ago on Half Full

    This is scary, how can AI know what you did on your summer vacation?!

  2. 2 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    This is why I have said, How can you be famous teaching what everyone else does?

  3. 3 months ago on Half Full

    That’s why the story got scary with the mosquito magnet.

  4. 6 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    At least rat is asking, but the cyclist takes offense because his intent when he went by rat makes him guilty.

  5. 7 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Instead of looking to technology, people can do what the old folks do and check how hot they feel or look outside, then they will not get stressed and drink. I have been sober all of my life, yet understanding gives me strength!

  6. 7 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Luke 14:7-11King James Version7 And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them.

    8 When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him;

    9 And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room.

    10 But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee.

    11 For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

  7. 7 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Luke 14:7-11King James Version7 And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them.8 When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him;9 And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room.10 But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee.11 For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

  8. 8 months ago on Half Full

    I think that depends on whether the sun melts him or his girlfriend, how’s that for theology?

  9. 11 months ago on Half Full

    What kind?

  10. about 1 year ago on Half Full

    It’s innuendo.