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  1. about 5 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    You just coined it

  2. about 5 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    They did in Lincoln’s time.

  3. about 11 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Be better to petition that the hiway dept level the depression! And maybe install a new one 10 or 20 feet off the road on the side of the creek.

  4. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    Did they divert resources? I hadn’t heard that

  5. 1 day ago on Arlo and Janis

    That’s about what I have, and it ain’t large!!

  6. 1 day ago on Arlo and Janis

    Insightful, that.

  7. 1 day ago on Arlo and Janis

    wow, that’s intriguing – I don’t think of Hindus as victims of racism; mostly I hear or read of them as perps. Except in the US where idiots mistake them and Sikhs for Muslims because of the turbans.

    So I’ll try not to think about whatever it was that crawled unwelcome into your mind, and hope you can forget it too – not a pleasant mind-invader I’m sure.

  8. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    it’s funny, but I don’t remember ever hearing any reference to Harris as a worthwhile complement to Biden. All I ever read or heard was that she was Biden’s “bullet-proof vest” – no one would try to assassinate Biden because then they’d have to deal with Harris

  9. 1 day ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I’ve never read a Scarry book (Beatrix Potter, Kenneth Graeme, others, yes, but not Scarry), but, if it’s any help, it’s amazingly hard for me to imagine the characters in Bolling’s cartoon even being related, even on the species level, to Scarry’s (or Potter’s, or Graeme’s, or ….) chars.

  10. 2 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I’m 3 years older than Biden, and don’t become incompetent when I have a cold (I didn’t watch the debacle, but am reacting to what people said about it).

    I’m just now recovering from 2 years of post-acute COVID which kept me permanently exhausted, gave me some anomic aphasia, and made it very hard for me to think. But I knew that, and avoided all occasions that required a functioning brain and memory, or normal energy levels.