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Recent Comments

  1. 17 days ago on One Big Happy

    youtube dot com/watch?v=A9whaYbqB24

  2. 17 days ago on One Big Happy

    okay, what brand soft drink did he promote? Stop being silly.

  3. 17 days ago on One Big Happy

    You obviously forgot your original question. If you look him up, you will have your answer.

  4. 17 days ago on One Big Happy

    Look up Max Headroom

  5. about 1 month ago on Liberty Meadows

    Shouldn’t that be, “Hot ‘Pork’ Injection”?

  6. about 2 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Sadly, I’m not sure there is a perfect solution. Paul Harvey used to say,"“Self-government without self-discipline leads to self-destruction.”Our problem is more about self-interest than self-government.

  7. about 2 months ago on Non Sequitur

    No,it would not harm democracy, it would harm rural America. It would turn control of America to a few large cities and the rural, blue collar worker would have no representation in the federal government.

    As cliche as it is, “democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner”.

  8. about 2 months ago on Non Sequitur

    The only reason people don’t understand it’s usefulness is because it is not explained well in schools anymore. Straight democracy creates a “bully” state.

  9. 2 months ago on Non Sequitur

    I think I will post my opinion in the comment section of a comic because I know it will provide clarity and encourage intelligent discourse.

  10. 2 months ago on Ink Pen
