I had a professor of ancient languages and culture teach my New Testament class. To spice things up he would give us different translations of famous verses. . . one he gave for that verse began “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was the Force.” =)
The thing that has kept my father going most is going out to see the grandchildren—these days, the great-grandchildren, since all the grandkids are growing up! But he goes out to where there are Very Little Ones and it helps. Us rotten grown-up kids have to go to work and have families and Other Stuff . . . [grumble grumble]…
To be fair, a simple substitution cipher is a bit of work. To use random characters is even harder. But we should be grateful she didn’t use a Playfair, a multiple-substitution, or an Enigma emulator . . . (True story: Mary Queen of Scots got caught because she thought that a simple substitution with a few dummy characters was unbreakable. It wasn’t.)
As long as they don’t take “too many,” and they don’t distribute (widely) or sell them, it’s okay. I was assistant manager at a B. Dalton’s, and I brought home boxes of “strips.” I still have some, because I’ve never been able to find “real” copies of them all.
Me, too! I’ve tried some of the newer programs, but I don’t know what to do because they don’t have a “go to” statement . . .