I have a memory like that, I can remember stuff from all my school years and I’m 64 now. On the debit side of that I couldn’t remember the how to do algebra when the tests rolled in.
Monopoly can be hard on relationships and so can Uno, I speak from experience when I say don’t sit next to your girlfriend while playing Uno. I had 2 wild draw four cards and I no other cards I could play so she had to draw eight cards, she was not happy with me.
When my oldest was little he loved foxes, my wife found a VHS of a movie aptly named “The Fox.” It was made in some eastern bloc country with poor graphics and voices. He wanted to watch it with dad every night, sadly it was the one tape the VHS never ate.
I’m glad you put usually in there since this man always helps before and after. Also we kept a garbage in the present unwrapping area and put the wrapping in it as we opened.
The control arms had to be really long in those F-14s.