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Sniff a cantaloupe, lightly push on flower end of a honeydew.
I came here to find out what deadpool is, so far only Huckleberry Hiroshima mentioned it.
I shop at Sam’s Club regularly, sometimes I spend around $100 usually I just buy a few fresh items eggs, milk, etc. I love the Sam’s cash as it pays for my yearly membership.
Don’t get to cozy steve, you’re only there for a little while. Why don’t you surprise us and put country before party.
Beats freezing your hands and toes off.
Form a union, anything over 8 = overtime pay
Deport the whore and her bastard
If you leave a couple dead fly’s on the grid more will land to check it out.
It wasn’t too many years ago the national anthem wasn’t televised. We had commercials until the kickoff.
Sniff a cantaloupe, lightly push on flower end of a honeydew.