
stbeals Creator

I was born in a hospital, grew up in a house, and went to college in a building. Life's been a roller coaster.

Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Adult Children

    And as you’re shopping you’ll get the jingle, save big money at Mennaaaaards, drilled into your head.

  2. 3 days ago on Adult Children

    Yes, it’s the superstore with accompanying gas station model. We have three where I am. Walmart, Meijer, and Costco.

    And in the rich area, Kroger. It’s more of a department store there. Kroger, I believe, is the biggest grocery store in the U.S. On the West Coast, they own Ralph’s.

    I know way too much about these stores than I ever desired.

  3. 4 days ago on Adult Children

    Whatever salary you accept, just realize that you are trading every waking hour for it. And some of the sleeping ones, too.

  4. 5 days ago on Adult Children

    My maternal and paternal grandfathers farmed into their eighties. Our bodies can hold up a very long time if we take care of them. If.

    I threw my back out in college when I romantically picked up my girlfriend to carry her over a puddle. I was an exercise nut then, with an emphasis on nut. I was doing so many sit-ups that I had torn down my back.

  5. 6 days ago on Adult Children

    This is true.

  6. 6 days ago on Adult Children


  7. 6 days ago on Adult Children

    Good question. We may need to check up on him.

  8. 18 days ago on Adult Children

    This strip ran on Saturday for some, while for others it was a repeat of Friday. Don’t ask me, I just make the comic.

  9. 18 days ago on Adult Children

    Thank you! Some big stores are definitely a good place to work, while others….

  10. 26 days ago on Adult Children

    I did! It caused me to look up a word I’ve spelled hundreds of times. Lesson learned. Not all words work when written in uppercase.