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  1. about 5 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Her temporary digs haven’t had any work done yet. She’s already put in a request to maintenance for grab bars. I was surprised that the bathroom doesn’t already have them, since the last regular tenant was in a wheelchair. At least she’s getting a handheld shower – sis had an extra one, still in its box, that she sent home with me to give to her. One nice thing about that unit is that it doesn’t have any tight spots, & she’s getting around in it much better.

  2. about 10 hours ago on FurBabies

    I think cats must have invented parkour!

  3. about 10 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    One would think…but my place didn’t have grab bars until PJ came home from rehab after his bout with shingles meningitis. The building was originally converted 30 years ago according to those standards, so I don’t know how much standards have changed since then. Quite a bit, if what’s being done to the “handicap-accessible” units now is any indication.

  4. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Update #2: (9pm) The drive home was blessedly uneventful. Pulled into the parking lot at home a few minutes before 8. One of the guys who lives here was hanging around the front door & helped me bring my stuff in. Bless his very soul.

    Aaaaand…OF COURSE I had to stop in at the office, get my mail, & tell staff the tale of my vehicular woes…

    Sufficient unto the day is the mileage thereof. Time to pack it in…

  5. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Update: (11:30am) Sis just texted me: “After multiple spot compression views of the area in question, the radiologist says that she is absolutely certain that it’s a normal tissue variation. She compared it with multiple past films & what they were unsure of in recent images has returned to its previous appearance. No biopsy for me & I can come back in a year for screening.”


  6. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sure, thanks – TARDISes are people too!

  7. 1 day ago on Cattitude — Doggonit


  8. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    OT: Updates

    I have a functoning car again YAY! From yesterday evening:

    The “check engine” light came on [last Saturday] when the ignition coil went bad & fouled out all the spark plugs. Then the techs found that the exhaust manifold was cracked & leaking, so they had to replace that too (which ended up being over half the cost of the job). I’m just glad I’ve been squirreling away money for just such an emergency!

    Other than replacing the brakes 5 years ago, this is the first repair this 18yo car has needed since we bought it 6½ years ago. With other aging cars, it’s been $400 here, $500 there, $800 elsewhere, etc., adding up to a lot more than the big chunk I spent this time. So in a way I feel like I’ve been lucky.

    The “check engine” light still came on with the first replcement coil they tried, so I took her back in & they installed a different brand. That one seems to have done the trick. =crosses fingers=

    Also, J seems to be getting settled in & finding some of the stuff she needs. Maybe the movers didn’t botch it up as badly as she thought. We’ll see. Also, she bought a different, sturdier shower bench because the tub in her temp quarters doesn’t have grab bars. Excellent move! Sis has an extra handheld shower head, & I’m taking that with me when I go home.

    Finally, asking for (((((HUGGZ))))) & PURRRRRRRRRRZ & prayers & other good juju for sis, who’s having a breast biopsy this morning. The imaging team said the other day that the spot is most likely benign, but they want to make sure. I’m holding off heading home until she comes back from that.

    As always, metric bonkers’ worth of THANKS & (((((HUGGZ))))) & PURRRRRRRRRRZ to the Mega-Orb for your support thru all my whining & griping. You’re the greatest! ❤❤❤❤❤

  9. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    So was I, but then someone mentioned that he might have been too busy worrying about Sophie to create any mayhem of his own. Maybe he’ll get inspired when he sees her masterpiece in the kitchen?

  10. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Chekhov’s grappling hook!