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Obi-Wan askz: “Were the entanglements…Imperial?”
Peter Plant? Where’s Captain Scythe?
And that solved everything!
They pulled Santa’s plug! The Fiends!
Lady Gaga? I thought some Joker was behind it.
He was supposed to have given the young daughters of a poor man bags of gold so they wouldn’t be sold into prostitution, if that helps.
The ones that encounter P.P. become that way. Not sure whether it’s the smell or the cleanup. ;)
He knew what Michael wanted and will see that he gets it. What’s wrong with that? ;)
But can it put its boot in your face and shove you down the slide? “HO. HO. HO.”
I think not!
Nitpick: For the door to open that way, the hinges would have to be on the inside.
Obi-Wan askz: “Were the entanglements…Imperial?”