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  1. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    " If “Kung Flu” is all you’ve got, that’s not much proof that he blamed all Asians." All Asians have been attacked because of his comments, which is entirely predictable from his comments and tweets. You seem to have a remarkable capacity for ignoring reality. The fact our former president is adored by American Nazis and the KKK and has refused to spew the same vitriol at them as he does at Antifa, BLM, Liberals, and handicapped reporters should be an indication to all but the most obtuse where his loyalties lie. (yes, he has under pressure tepidly read a note card vaguely condemning racists, but compare that to his attacks (and lies) on the liberal groups I mentioned for an indication of his true feelings). Finally, I agree that he is a demagogue and that in his tiny heart he may not be racist, but he is definitely behaving as a racist to incite his base which is racist. As to the overuse of the word racist, ummm, America has plenty of loud and proud racists and if you want to give him a pass despite his completely obvious racist public performances and supporters I can’t honestly imagine what you would consider a racist. (wait! maybe a black person who doesn’t like whites? They’re the real racists, right?) As to discussion with you, I honestly thank you but sorry. My time is limited – my work is online at home and getting distracted in an occasional wasteful indulgence in board discussions is a vice I’ve not succeeded in knocking, also it has led to my off hand haste that led to my stupid error in our conversation. With respect I really do not care to deal with a supporter of our former president. I view anyone who voted for him, especially the second time, as someone who is beyond reason (we do not seem to share a common reality) and compassion (how anyone could support him after his mocking of that reporter is beyond my comprehension) and is utterly without empathy, so there is no common ground for us to build a discussion or reach an understanding.

  2. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Hate to admit you are correct but you did not make the first post, and I was in error crediting you with it. Assuming that someone who won’t admit the orange demagogue was racist led me to confuse you with the other party posting. As for referring to you as stupid, if you want to play games and demand ‘proof’ he’s racist while downplaying his racist remarks (kung flu? only a joke, Sh**hole countries? oh, maybe it was economics…) you are either very stupid or a racist yourself, not sure which and don’t really care. So my apologies for my clear mistake that you correctly called out- you’re still someone I have no respect for but I will own the mistake.

  3. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Admitting you don’t see a racist demagogue as a racist demagogue is at least a step toward integrity. The fact that you admit that despite his record and public statements- remember the Central Park 5? no apology yet- you don’t ‘know’ if he’s racist or not means it is impossible to prove it to you- you have decided not to see it and much like convincing someone with their eyes closed that the sun is in the sky any effort becomes an effort in futility. Perhaps a better response than ‘I don’t take orders from you’ is from Mark Twain- something to the effect of ’don’t argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.’ As to your failure to address my main point – one conclusively rebutting your original post- your response was engaging in the standard troll (be it Russian or home grown wack) tactic of deflecting to a different issue. Your failure to defend your original post from my rebuttal confirms that you were either wrong or lying in hopes of getting away with it. Nice try to reshape the argument away from your original post however- points for effort if nothing else.

  4. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    ’Prove me wrong’- No. I don’t take orders from you- your claim that the racist demagogue who called COVID ‘the China Flu’ and ‘kung flu’ and ‘wuhan virus’ isn’t a racist is too absurd to dignify with debate. Additionally, you failed to address my primary point which was that his ‘Asian ban’ was ineffective by not restricting travel by Americans from China, thus your silence proves me correct. Thanks.

  5. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    To be correct, he banned Chinese people from coming here- even if they were coming from Europe (no COVID at that time) while allowing Americans to come and go from China with no restrictions. Surprisingly, despite his racist claims to the contrary, the virus was very ‘woke’ and did not discriminate on race or nationality and thus the virus entered America via our own Murikin’ citizens. As a side note, banning one group as he did and blaming the disease on Asians is racist (and red meat for his supporters) and has resulted in his minions attacking many innocent Asian Americans rather than worrying about things like actually mitigating the spread of the disease.

  6. over 3 years ago on Brewster Rockit

    ‘Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up’

  7. over 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Failure to answer is de facto acceptance of my argument. You admitted you can’t answer my argument by continuously deflecting away from it (i.e. refusing to acknowledge the ongoing wealth, health, and educational gap between whites and blacks in this country and instead whining the non sequitur that you personally are not responsible) And while familiar with the quote about wrestling with a pig this was more of a curb stomp than a wrestle, so not really applicable. Thanks for playing.

  8. over 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Your surrender is accepted and noted. Would say thanks for the argument but defeating you in debate was equivalent to sand blasting a cracker- pun intended.

  9. over 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Your answer deflects and refuses to recognize Jim Crow and other forms of racism against blacks- remember Oklahoma City riots? The Republican southern strategy including the war on drugs that was targeting blacks? These happened long after slavery ended. Additionally your insistence that there is no continuing impact from this damage means you believe the vast wealth, health and educational discrepancies between blacks and whites in this nation are due to some racial inferiority of blacks which is the very definition of racist, so I’m not so much calling you a racist as I am calling you out for being a racist. One of those subtle distinctions that you ‘down to earth absolute truth’ types are too intellectually feeble to grasp.

  10. over 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    ‘Stick to engineering’ is not telling you what an engineer does. Telling me as a lawyer that I believe- or pretend to believe whatever I’m paid to believe is ignorant bilge from a jerk who does not have a concept of the practice of law or justice telling me how I do my job. This is a simple concept which you would understand if you had any grasp of logic.

    As for reparations- yet more right wing talking points. My uncle died from a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos fiber on his job of 40 years earlier. The corporation responsible had to pay him for exposing him to this, again, 40 years earlier. It is probable the people running the corporation and the stockholders were not the same people of 40 years ago, and since the check arrived after my uncle died it rolled over to his heirs. This nation benefited economically from the enslavement of blacks and then compounded the pain and suffering with Jim Crow- which is still not fully dead. This nation- not you – needs to pay them or their heirs for these wrongs because the effects are still there. If you want to insist the damage went away at some arbitrary date then you are saying the vast wealth, health, and educational attainment discrepancies between blacks and whites in this nation are due to the ‘never proven scientifically’ alleged genetic inferiority of blacks and are very much a racist POS. Those are the only two explanations possible and by already insisting you did not benefit from racism in any way I’m pretty comfortable assuming you’re on the racist side of this equation.