The conflict in the Middle East isn’t centuries old. It’s millennia old, and predates both Islam and Christianity. It’s between the descendants of Jacob (Jews) and the descendants of Esau (Arabs).
During the darkest time of the year (late December) the sun only gets about 3° above the horizontal horizon in Iceland, and even less in some places. If there are mountains to the south, the sun can’t be seen at all for some time during the winter. There are places like that in northern Iceland, where the sun doesn’t rise above the mountains for a few weeks every winter, and some of them have a celebration which they call “The Sun Day”, when they celebrate the first glimpse of the sun being seen from town each year.
The conflict in the Middle East isn’t centuries old. It’s millennia old, and predates both Islam and Christianity. It’s between the descendants of Jacob (Jews) and the descendants of Esau (Arabs).