We've Got a Bigger Problem Now
The only tattoo that made an impression on my was the old Jewish man who had a series of numbers on his arm, all others who cares
Back in my “days” most tattoos were military personal.
I’d hide if such a judgmental person went thru my neighborhood
I’ve worked with IT and 95% of the time they come up with same excuses that they are are unable to help me.
my ambition was to have ambition gang of four
this is why I work with my wife on what needs to be done. If there is an open on the weekend, its mine unless its an emergency, by my definition.
maybe even a little light fire arms in the early morning
From the other end of the spectrum, MDC John Wayne was a Na@i His personal lifewasn’t that clean
With some subject matters you will always find someone who thinks you are ignorant bonehead, religion and politics come readily to mind.
you must get different comments from what I get.
The only tattoo that made an impression on my was the old Jewish man who had a series of numbers on his arm, all others who cares