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Frankie5466 Free

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  1. 3 days ago on Garfield

    Ah Jon’s annual “Rite of the daisy”! He even made Garfield and Odie join in once (April 14, 1996)

  2. 13 days ago on Pickles

    If you like boots, do you have a Tony Llama outlet store in your area? (They sell all different brands not just Tony Llama) They’re having a buy 1 pair get a 2nd pair (of equal or lesser value) free sale. My husband got six pairs of work and dress boots for about $750! He’s in construction and really goes through the work boots so we couldn’t pass up getting several pairs during such a good sale

  3. 15 days ago on Drabble

    Funny, my husband and I are the exact opposite! I know what I’m looking for and quickly decide if I want what they have. He’ll spend hours looking and trying on clothes and shoes. I always tell him he’s his mother’s son lol

  4. 25 days ago on Pickles

    I remember my dad wearing Aqua Velva and Brut (possibly he still does I just haven’t seen him in years) I still love Drakkar on my husband (he’s 44 and I’m not far behind lol)

  5. 27 days ago on Drabble

    I love glitter for similar reasons, the fond memories! Reminds me of elementary school when we were always doing art projects with glitter and construction paper. Simpler times in my life before my parents divorced and my mother joined a cult with us kids in tow! Catching a glimpse of the shimmer of glitter always evokes a feeling of warm nostalgia :-)

  6. 27 days ago on Drabble

    Ooh I need 1 of those! Maybe jerks would quit letting their dogs go in my yard. Watched 1 woman walk her leashed dog up the driveway and let it lift its leg against the house, I had so much fun trying to scrub the stain out of the stucco!

  7. about 1 month ago on Drabble

    Oh yeah? Between the ones in the yard and the ones I’ve picked up walking my dachshund in the areas all around the golf course I have a 5 gallon bucket almost full of them from the 2yrs we’ve lived here, I didn’t really know what to do with them I’ll have to look into it, could always use a few more dollars especially since my husband hurt his back and has been out of work for over 5 months!

  8. about 1 month ago on Peanuts Begins

    There’s a chemical in chocolate that is poisonous for dogs as they can’t metabolize it. The darker the chocolate the more it has of that chemical, if your pup eats 1 of those chocolate bars that are like 70 percent or higher dark chocolate it would likely have some consequences from vomiting and diarrhea to their kidneys shutting down. Most Of your cheaper chocolates like Whitman’s don’t have enough actual chocolate in them tto cause problems unless they just manage to eat a massive amount Size of the dog is also relevant , the bigger the dog the more they can deal with before it becomes harmful.

  9. about 2 months ago on Drabble

    Our subdivision is inside a golf course, to get their balls where they’re trying to (I know pretty much nothing about golf lol) the balls should be traveling through the air parallel to the houses but a surprising number of them land in the yards or hit the houses. I’m not sure how they manage to hit them so far off course

  10. about 2 months ago on Drabble

    My vet claims that sitting up begging like this is good for a dachshund’s back because it “strengthens his tummy and core muscles” but my dachshund doesn’t do it anyway, since there’s conflicting advice on the subject I chose not to teach him to.

    if Ralph doesn’t want Wally to do it he’s doing exactly the wrong thing! Giving him a treat when he does it will only encourage him to do it more