Curious cat

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  1. about 10 hours ago on Matt Wuerker

    Used to be true, but it looks like the “Great American Experiment” aka a kind of sort of Democracy is being destroyed from within. Can’t say I’m surprised, a theoretically ‘true democracy’ can’t work in reality, if only because of logistics. Add in a population that is poorly educated, superstitious, trained by the ‘education’ system that is incereasingly contrtolled by regressive religionists to respect (their version of) revealed authority, and contains a significant portion that feels threatened by those who are “different” by whatever measure that have an outsize influence on presidential elections. The result gave us djt a few years back, and Bush the junior before him though at least he was just incompetent at the job.

  2. about 11 hours ago on Strange Brew

    “What a difference a (d)A makes”!

  3. about 11 hours ago on MythTickle

    Some hunter-gatherer cultures (aka ‘animistic’) believe that the spirit at death goes to the ‘ancestral-spirit’ place for a change from being in-corporated. They still keep an eye on and sometimes communicate with the physically living, and somewhere along the way jump in again for another “life”. Opinion seems to be divided over whether where they end up is random, or they deliberately choose their birth familly. Based on my experience and that of quite a few people I know I suspect that either it’s random, or ancestral spirits aren’t very good at judging what family to join! As a side thought, maybe there is something to the idea of “corporations” as “people”. But then again…..No, different meaning of the word.

  4. 1 day ago on Family Tree

    Just for the record, most of those marraiges are arranged by the famillies. Also, based on the ones I know about, they work more often than not.According to a female friend from Venezuela who lived in Libya for a while before the revolution they also go to female-only parties where they wear the latest fashions, often very ‘revealing’, to show off among themselves.

  5. 1 day ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    A Very bad suggestion.

  6. 1 day ago on Nick Anderson

    Good point, and the truth is I’m not completely sure I understand all the details. What I do know is that his office in in Houston, and he is notorious for not being available no matter where you live, including the Housotn area.

  7. 2 days ago on Scott Stantis

    I like a lot of what you do, especially Prickly City, but this is pure B__l S__t.

  8. 2 days ago on Rob Rogers

    Should have been in prison decades ago.

  9. 2 days ago on PreTeena

    4 sticks on a tube. But for a boy of about the same age…..

  10. 2 days ago on Moderately Confused

    As long as it isn’t green………