Seriously, whoever colored this couldn’t tell that was a turkey leg?
There are different shades of blue, so that’s not true.
Purplelady, I’m 51, and all the toasters I’ve used all the way back to the 1970s would not latch closed without being plugged in. Maybe there are some newer ones that will, but none that I’ve used.
Hmmmm…. All the toasters I’ve ever used would not stay down if they weren’t plugged in.
Thanks. I’d never heard of Rosemary’s baby, but I did later think that the levitation was probably implying demon possession.
I usually like Cornered, but this one doesn’t make any sense at all.
Those M&M’s are all the same color. Why are colorists too stupid to bother reading the comics they’re coloring, even ones with so few words?
The punch line should’ve been that he always relished giving good news in person. If he enjoys it, then to him it would be good.
What a bird-brain. The phone is at the wrong angle to get a picture of the baby.
I also picked up on that.
Seriously, whoever colored this couldn’t tell that was a turkey leg?