tyvm. Do you know that you are the very first — in my three years of trying — to cite sources of any sort? FWIW, here’s a weblink: pubmed-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov/39615487/ (replace – with . )
Can you give us a cite for that? Would really like to find actual research papers, but a news account would usually have deeper links and that would be fine.
I found not one mention in the legit press of this phenomenon. Instead a found a great many repeats of this item, which contains no solid fact, and is comprised of a rehash of some other person’s wild peculation: dailysceptic(dot)org/2024/11/05/science-shock-u-k-met-office-is-inventing-temperature-data-from-100-non-existent-stations/
For those wondering, Ferdie is wrong to say that it is ACA BMI regulations. The ACA has none of that sort. It’s possible that the scummy insurance his mother’s city settled for blamed ACA for it, but ’tain’t so. Here’s a page of real info on the matter: americanhipinstitute.).)com/blog/what-is-the-maximum-bmi-for-hip-replacement/?bp=35362
Ferny, that propaganda outfit is an internet thing. A person (if that what you be) can work from home! That you live in Bristol is a special qualifier.
You’re forgetting that the USA is, dejure, under martial law as we type. Been that way since 2001, when The Shrub announced that the entire nation was a combat zone. The declaration has — so far as I’ve been able to find — never been rescinded. Combat zones are, in fact and by law, under martial, not civil, law. The USA has five military governors and all are active at this moment. That they have seldom interfered with civilian authority is only incidental and not depositive. The Fat Guy can, any time he likes, suspend the Constitution.
tyvm. Do you know that you are the very first — in my three years of trying — to cite sources of any sort? FWIW, here’s a weblink: pubmed-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov/39615487/ (replace – with . )