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cagedfreedom Free

Libertarian fighting for Liberty and Freedom for all individuals. “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Saftey, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Why is everyone so critical of the human race? Look at what we’ve done, look at what we’ve accomplished. Yes we fuck up. We are humans. And fucking up is a part of life. We can learn a lot from our past and use it to look far into the future.

    The future is as bright as you imagine it to be. I’ve got hope. I’ve got trust. I know we got tons of bad people on this earth, but if you get caught up in their actions, you won’t ever get to see the great people working miracles all around you every day.

  2. about 5 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Not everyone in the human race is a piece of shit. We have many great people with great ideas and good hearts. If we send up our best people, they will create a civilization far superior to the one we have on Earth.

    Wealthy people should not bribe to get onto these ships however. We are playing with the future and we absolutely need our top minds and souls on deck. That doesn’t mean wealthy people cant get on, they just have to follow the rules like everyone else.

  3. about 5 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Why are we so caught up in our world when there are billions of undiscovered planets that we can colonize and live on? Fund NASA, make space travel easy and accessible to all, and let’s spread the human race throughout the entire universe.

  4. about 5 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    That would take more than a year if they wanted to impeach all three. Trump will be easiest, but what crime is Mike Pence In for? Barr could be arrested for obstruction of justice, but even then it may not make a convincing case. Plus he’s refuted that argument already and he’ll probably say the same thing again.

  5. about 5 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    I support an impeachment. I’m not strongly against Trump, nor am I in favor of Mike Pence in the Oval Office. But, this impeachment will without a doubt stall Congress for months where they get nothing done. Even if this impeachment happens, they will probably never be able to get the full thing through.

    I honestly believe Trump chose Mike Pence as his VP because no one likes Trump, but they also don’t want Pence running the country either. They’ll say he’s better than Trump, but they’re probably both equally bad. It’d be best for Democrats to focus on the election, because that is what will effectively stop Trump.

  6. about 5 years ago on Clay Bennett

    Congress doesn’t read anything so I’m not sure why you are so suprised. As the great Billy Long once said: “Congress is good at two things: doing nothing and overreacting.”

  7. about 5 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    Tariffs are effectively pointless. The help no one and hurt everyone. We must remove any all tariffs with our trade partners if we want to get anything done.

  8. about 5 years ago on Clay Bennett

    Women should be given a choice. If they walk into a Planned Parenthood, the people who work there will most likely push them towards abortion. Vice versa if they walked into a clinic that was heavily anti-abortion.

    Women should be given the pros and cons of having an abortion, and they should make a choice based on that. Pregnancy is a very stressful time for women, and it makes it harder when she has to choose between giving birth or getting an abortion.

    On top of that, we must prioritize Sex Ed, especially with blacks. Black women have more abortions than they do births, and most abortions come from families in the inner city. Giving them the proper education when it comes to sex, along with contraception, will be the biggest factor in decreasing the number of abortions overall. Republicans cannot ban abortions because women will still have abortions, but they will be more dangerous and more risky for them.

    Banning anything isn’t effective as one might think, Republicans and Democrats alike should know this by now.


  9. about 5 years ago on Tom Stiglich

    How could anyone believe this poll? Right at the bottom it states “Among 469 voters.” Such a small polling group! And according the PollingReport.com, the poll only asked Democratic and Democratic leaning voters nationwide. Is CNN trying to give us biased information?
