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  1. 1 day ago on The Other Coast

    There was an elephant in the local zoo that gained fame for her paintings. She even signed them when she was done, then walked away. No one could convince her to alter a signed painting!

  2. 1 day ago on The Other Coast

    That is not a jury of his peers. There are no wolves on the jury. By the way, wolves get a bad rap. They do not attack humans unless rabid. If you look at all the old European paintings of wolf attacks you will see the wolves attacking the horses or other livestock not the people. Some Native American tribes even played with wolf cubs in their den without incident.

  3. 4 days ago on The Other Coast


  4. 4 days ago on In the Bleachers

    Just call the bee guy he Diamondbacks used last month. He removed the bees using non lethal methods so the game could start. Even if it was over an hour late!

  5. 5 days ago on The Other Coast

    No, to my dog it was just part of the game. Did not do it often but she thought it was fun if the smile on her face was any indication. She also was never fooled by the lack of a ball. Just waited until the ball was actually thrown.

  6. 6 days ago on The Other Coast

    Not a cat. Just a different type of dog.

  7. 6 days ago on The Other Coast

    One of mine did the same thing.

  8. 6 days ago on The Other Coast

    Perhaps the verb weighs is referring to the noun panel?

  9. 6 days ago on The Other Coast

    Yes. And the construction should stop until water is secure. Also it should be a requirement for solar panels be included on new homes. Many places are putting in covered parking with solar panels on top of the shade structure.

  10. 7 days ago on The Other Coast

    Does that include trees taller than two stories? Not to mention a lot of birds use the tall buildings as homes.