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  1. 6 days ago on F Minus

    Actually, no; you have proven nothing. You don’t understand what research is, nor how to perform it. Quite common, nowadays. Manufacturers mislabeling their products does not change the meaning of words. As for forbiddance of links, attribution does not require such, and as the internet is a garbage data source, they are discouraged.

    You exhibit extremely poor rigor.

  2. 7 days ago on F Minus

    Wikipedia, and no attribution? That’s no way to effectively refute an assertion.

    Also, your quoted text nowhere indicates that a knit cap is a type of beanie, so it’s pretty much tangential to the argument, at best.

  3. 7 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    Rubes are always surprised, it’s the defining characteristic.

  4. 7 days ago on F Minus

    I think it’s almost always nappy time, but I haven’t found anyone who will pay me to sleep all day.

  5. 8 days ago on F Minus

    Those things people in the West call “beanies” are not beanies. Beanies are a different kind of hat entirely.

    They are toques or tuques or knit caps or watch caps or ski caps, or stocking caps or various other things, but not beanies.

    Beanies are a kind of multi-panel skullcap.

    … and before people start chiming in about “language is mutable; a beautiful poetic living thing”… it shouldn’t be, when it reduces clarity and impedes communication. Calling a kind of hat that already has a dozen perfectly good names by the name of a completely different hat makes nothing better.

  6. 10 days ago on Poorly Drawn Lines

    Holy crap! I have come here for a year, wondering… Now a new comic!


    - Kle.

  7. 13 days ago on Crabgrass

    Yes. The perspective in that first panel is brilliant!

  8. 28 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Most of it just winds up in a landfill anyway (or shipped to the 3rd world where it will be handled with the utmost care and responsibility, as someone above stated). Aluminum is the big exception, as it is quite profitable to recycle.*Recycling’s a nice idea, and can be useful, but the way it is implemented in the US is mostly a tax kickback scam for the trash companies and State / local governments.

  9. 29 days ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    On the bright side, they aren’t sharks.

  10. about 1 month ago on Wallace the Brave

    Snug Harbor’s pretty small…