Cigar smoker

Jack7528 Free

Right-Wing, Christian, Gun Owner, how else can I tick you off?

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    You still haven’t answered my question and it is curious how you can’t answer, has any poor person hired you and paid you for a job? No, they haven’t, the rich man may not be my friend but he isn’t my enemy either. You ignored my question no poor man gave you a job, so I don’t feel too compelled.

  2. about 5 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I am not talking about volunteering, I am talking about a business, you go through an interview, then you get hired and you get paid. You never worked for a person who had no money, is that simple enough! If all anyone ever did was volunteer than everyone would starve or live in a commune.

    So how many hours do you volunteer compared to your work hours. End of story.

  3. about 6 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Project much!

  4. about 6 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Look up his old comments on bussing and I am not surprised you haven’t seen that old chestnut.

  5. about 6 hours ago on Shoe

    As for Gingrich, his wife was his Jr. High School teacher. There was something wrong with that relationship. So you just proved you need to take your own advise.

  6. about 7 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    No but they are not my enemies.

  7. about 7 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    No, no one ever let you work for them who didn’t have money, you wouldn’t work for them if you were not paid. This is just a obfuscation.

  8. about 9 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    And the left is a paragon of truth. Don’t think so!

  9. about 9 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    No, but someone has to have the money before they hire you, or take a risk for a loan to get started to hire you. Left hates to hear that!

  10. about 10 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    And if the Union didn’t farm you out to the companies that work with the Union, what then?