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Buoy Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 4 hours ago on Cornered

    I don’t make the money rules, I just report them.

  2. about 4 hours ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Frosty the Puddle was a jolly happy soul…. La la la…

  3. about 5 hours ago on The Argyle Sweater

    He’s gonna need reconstructive snow surgery.

  4. about 5 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    X marks the jerk.

  5. about 5 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Same as when you “dial” a number even though the dial is long since gone. And what about “film?”

  6. about 5 hours ago on Warped

    Merry Christmas to all the cartoonists that bring so much joy into my life!

  7. about 5 hours ago on Back in the Day

    Well, da kitties do like the high places. Say hi to tweety for me.

  8. about 5 hours ago on Back in the Day

    Hey, you got a license for that bird?

  9. about 5 hours ago on 1 and Done

    Finally! I’ve found my tribe.

  10. about 5 hours ago on Life on Earth

    Smoke and mirrors, kinda like a haunted house.