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Recent Comments

  1. 8 minutes ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Yes, prepared correctly, neither squid nor octopus are chewy or rubbery. I very much enjoy them both. Salad, soups, fried or fresh; yes please and thank you.

  2. 16 minutes ago on Chuck Draws Things

    It is interesting to me how my state of mind and stress levels can influence my reactions to the world. When I am feeling safe and secure and relatively at peace, these kinds of background noises are actually kind of comforting to me, in an almost senesthesia kind of way, like I’m floating along a river of sound in my little boat without a care in the world. Like I am in it, but not of it, being carried along the melody of life. It harkens back to thoughts of childhood, when I would be safe in my room and I would hear the sounds of the household; my mom in the kitchen, a lawn mower outside, someone in the shower, the sounds of the washing machine, etc…

    Conversely, when I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed, any little sound can be annoying and grating, and I begin to feel indignant and bothered.

  3. 31 minutes ago on Mannequin on the Moon

    For those about to rock! We salute you!

    Hey man, wrong finger!

  4. 33 minutes ago on Mannequin on the Moon

    Spoil sport! :)

  5. 35 minutes ago on Back in the Day

    Personally, I like Rock n Roll. Do you wanna dance with me?

  6. 39 minutes ago on 1 and Done

    Colon mockery.

  7. 40 minutes ago on 1 and Done

    This is some very seedy humor.

  8. 40 minutes ago on 1 and Done

    My uncle used to tell me, if I swallowed an apple seed that I would sprout an apple tree from my belly button.

  9. 41 minutes ago on 1 and Done

    So, a corn kernel, a watermelon seed and a peanut walk into a bar…

  10. 43 minutes ago on Life on Earth

    Just dropped in to see what condition my condition is in.