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Something to think about….
Poor Caesar and these corny jokes.
Im surprised Aaron never attemped to put the Peanuts and Boondocks in the same universe. Aaron obviously pays homage to Charles Shultz often. Maybe Franklin can pay Woodcrest a visit.
GTA III is just one of those games, that once you are into it, you are into it! lol
GTA III was so ground breaking for gaming. It was a PS2 seller. All the sequels & games like Red Dead Redeption are classics.
Ali was terrible. Not because of Will Smith though, but the editing of the movie was trash.
Huey seems to enjoy playing the games. We never really saw Huey play in the Adult Swim series.
What about Black Panther, John Stewart, Falcon & Miles Morales? Im not even sure Miles Morales was around when this strip was written.
the shade to Luke Cage?
Where can that information be located?
Something to think about….