
RonaldByrd Free

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  1. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    Is it ironic that the vilest Trump supporters that I’ve ever encountered are the ones that I’ve encountered in here? IMHO the mere fact that such [REDACTED]s flock to Trump is in itself a point against him.

  2. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    I vaguely remember an article, during Trump’s first administration, about Trump supposedly wanting to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Just think, if he’d done that, if he’d made it possible for a president to serve more than two terms, another candidate could have entered the race (which he wouldn’t have been able to do before) and WHAM it’d have been Obama 2020. And we’d have had four more years of Obama. Or eight more years. Or twelve more. Or sixteen. And Republicans wouldn’t be able to say anything because it’d be all Trump’s fault! LOL LOL LOL

    Such did not come to pass, of course.
  3. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    I suspect that, in both cases, people who usually couldn’t care less about voting hit the polls not so much to vote for Trump as to keep a woman out of the Oval Office.

  4. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    “It’s the lunatic, groundless, fearful and bizarre assumptions that constitute true TDS.”

    Then why is the term so often applied to comments that are nothing of the kind? It was all so clear just a minute ago…

    “Will you wager your good name that [the] USA [will be] a dictatorship by 2029 and that Trump has started wars left and right”

    Of course not, because I don’t believe any such thing, have never claimed to believe any such thing, and have to the best of my knowledge never seen anyone else claim to believe any such thing. IIRC, it sounds kind of like some of the stuff that Trump and some of his supporters used to say about Obama on a regular basis, although that’s obviously entirely beside the point.

    I think there’s a distinct possibility that Trump might start World War III, which might very well result in the USA not existing in any recognizable form at all by 2029, but I by no means believe it to be a certainty . Is that what you mean? Because that’s just an opinion . Like I said. Take care.

  5. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    I think it’s more of a page layout deal than anything else. Some newspapers have enough room to devote eight panels to “Doonesbury,” others, only six.

  6. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    Okay, I guess I was wrong, we can’t agree to disagree. Okay.

    “that’s the part right there: the fear and assumption that he is a [n aspiring] bloodthirsty dictator part. That’s TDS right there.”

    Oh, so it’s an anti-Trump opinion that qualifies as “TDS,” then. It doesn’t even have to be a direct insult, just an opinion . So it amounts to pretty much anything said by anyone who doesn’t like Trump. No wonder Trump supporters throw the term around so much. I guess the only way for Trump detractors to not be accused of “TDS” would be to not mention Trump at all. Which would beg the question of how anyone would know that they were Trump detractors in the first place. You’ve taught me a lot today. Thanks again.
  7. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    ADDENDUM: If it comes to that, what’s YOUR source for the claim that birth rates are going down in the first place?

  8. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    Thereby becoming a best-selling author.

  9. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    What a horrible thing to say about generally inoffensive fictional characters who can’t defend themselves.

  10. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    The first Trump administration left me a nervous wreck and I honestly don’t know if I can survive a second one. I take comfort in the inescapable fact that, due to any number of unforeseeable circumstances, I could drop dead tomorrow and escape this farce forever. Seriously, sometimes that’s all that gets me through the day. Since I didn’t dare to actually insult Trump, I presume (perhaps with undue optimism) that I won’t be accused of “TDS.” As far as I can tell, that’s all one has to do to be accused of “TDS”: Insult Trump.