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Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I wrote a complete short-short for the March #LMIAY video. If it gets read, I’ll report it after the first Monday in March when the video is published. The writing prompt was “A person with a literal telephone for a head.”

    Since I always use whatever I write for #LMIAY in my books, I wasn’t sure I could come up with something that fit this prompt, but I did the best I could. If it isn’t read on the March #LMIAY video, it will be available in Devastation when I publish it.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  2. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  3. 10 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Artbreeder (the site I use to make portraits of the characters from my stories) has introduced a new tool for making pictures. I experimented with it on Tuesday, and used it to redo some of my character portraits.

    This tool allows me to upload the source picture. This means I can upload a picture I’d previously downloaded and modified instead of searching through the pictures on my account and then editing the resulting picture.

    This tool costs credits to use and I only get ten credits per month. Fortunately, I’ve found a way to get an extra three credits per day by participating in site activities. I’ve started redoing the pictures I use for characters in the stories I’m currently writing. Once I finish doing those, I think I’ll do the remaining portraits in alphabetical order.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  4. 10 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  5. 17 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve been alternating between two stories that overlap each other’s timelines so I can maintain continuity. The second story just jumped ahead twelve years, so I’ve switched to the first one until I’m past the overlapping part in it. After that, I’ll work on whichever story interests me most.

    I’m really excited by the stories in Devastation and am seriously considering switching the order in which I publish Exile and Devastation (since Devastation was supposed to be book number ten, while Exile was book nine).

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  6. 17 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    -Sunday Funday

  7. 24 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    One of the stories I published in Legends included an urban legend. A friend of mine liked it so much, he asked me if he could adapt the urban legend for his D&D game. We’ve talked about how he’s adapting the story, and I asked him if thought I should write the story of what happened that inspired the urban legend. He told me that he would love to read that story, so I thought I’d write it. I completed the first draft and an initial editing run of the opening scene by last Sunday evening.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  8. 26 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I make maps on a grid. The grid has five or ten foot squares, so it’s easier for me to recreate buildings I’ve designed on paper in MineCraft if I go with 2.5 foot square blocks.

  9. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes, I always play in creative mode. I have issues with the controls in survival mode, and tend to lose track of time as I work, so it would be a problem if I had to worry about monsters during the ‘night’ periods.

    The structures I created to represent buildings from my stories are smaller than the real buildings would be. I figure each block is 2.5’ square (since the MineCraft avatars are two blocks tall, this would make them 5’ tall if they were real people).

    Of course, the walls of real buildings aren’t usually 2.5’ thick. This messes up the representation, but I work with what I have. I figure it’s enough to know what door is where in a room, and I like the way the buildings turn out.

  10. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    I finished building models of my story buildings in Minecraft and have started an editing run of the stories I’m currently working on. Once I’m done with that, I’ll get back to writing.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).