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  1. about 9 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    I’m sorry you are too challenged to understand a simple concept, perhaps you could find someone to explain it to you.

  2. about 15 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    I’m not in your bathhouse Davey. I had quite a productive day finishing up my developmental edit and turning it in to my publisher.

    What productive things did you do today?Burn any crosses mister D?

  3. about 15 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    Almost every word, he did say “The US has water.” Which is true, it was in no sense an answer to any question, but was something he happened to say.

  4. about 15 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    Davey is a white roofer who lives in the south and doesn’t like people of color.

    These are all things he has admitted to in posts to various people.

    His sock account (Astrongblackwoman) has been banned before, perhaps still is.

  5. about 15 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    So you post for whatever headlines get the most views?

  6. about 15 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    Poor Davey, you seem stuck in a repeat mode. I guess when you have nothing to say, you say nothing. Which sums up your career as a commenter nicely, I would say.

  7. about 23 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    History shows that when President Biden played golf, he had a 6.7 handicap. You could do some fact-checking, but I understand truth and honesty have never been a part of your agenda.

  8. about 23 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    Now how would I know that Davey? I watched the debate and found the president spoke very clearly on the issues of the questions asked, especially in the last twenty minutes where he wiped the floor with trump. I cannot possibly know which parts you failed to comprehend since you failed to ask any questions at the time. Maybe he used words too complex for you? Perhaps you had imbibed a few too many adult beverages? Maybe because the President has a vocabulary beyond the understanding of a high school drop out?

    Oh, by the way, you are projecting again. You are the one who likes boys, remember we have established this several times in the past.

  9. about 24 hours ago on John Deering

    Glad we agree.

    Perhaps you should seek out a therapist to help you with your gender issues and your obvious inferiority complex. Tony Soprano found it quite helpful for his issues, perhaps you would too?

  10. about 24 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    So you didn’t watch the entire debate? President Biden wiped the floor with trump the last twenty minutes. So, trump won the beauty Pageant portion which gives him a 30% share of the win and President Biden won the debate, glad we got that straightened out.