
lavender headgear Free

After graduating from the University of Tuktoyaktuk with a degree in ice fishing, Lavender Q. Headgear briefly pursued a career in elk wrestling before buying a 200-hectare ranch on Baffin Island, where he lives with his team of eight huskies and raises polar bears. His pronouns are velvet and headgear.

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  1. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    That reminds me to get a fridge for my SUV. In the summertime I can leave the door open to stay cool.

  2. 1 day ago on Pluggers

    Merry Christmas pluggers!

  3. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    At no point did you offer facts. You gave me a long diatribe about how I’m a flat earther and an idiot. You didn’t point me to a single scientific study or body of evidence of any kind. Show me positive evidence that infinitesimal variations in a weak trace greenhouse gas are destroying the planet. Until we get that far we can’t move on to phase two, which is demonstrating that “stopping” this supposed juggernaut is more effective than finding ways to leverage this putative change to maximize human flourishing.

  4. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    First of all, I’m sorry to hear about your cancer. I hope it goes away for good. I’m going to risk annoying you further by asking you to look into ivermectin. There’s a guy called William Makis up here in Canada, an MD, who has been having stunning success with it and it doesn’t matter what kind of cancer. If I’m wrong, I annoyed you, but I’ve already done that. If I’m right, it could save your life. Please do look into it.

    On the GBR: Yes, I’m aware of the agency’s mission and I have no doubt of it. Nonetheless we have to separate the wheat from the chaff. The full recovery of the reef is fact; the editorial comments about how “global warming is still dangerous don’t you know” are just color commentary. Could there be further shocks in the future? Not could be, there WILL be. Always have been, always will. But the reef’s rapid recovery at a time when supposedly the oceans are boiling tells us that the GBR is simply off the table as evidence of global warming.

    We’ve learned that the Met in the UK straight up concocted a third of the “weather stations” it uses to tell the British that their island is burning up and not to believe their lying eyes. At some point the alarmists need to point to real evidence, not social proof (“everyone agrees with me”) and arguments to authority (“the experts agree”). So far that evidence is not forthcoming.

  5. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    It’s not about me. It’s to show that you can do it.

  6. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    Okay. Your turn.Explain why you think anthropogenic global warming is real. No appeal to authority, no social proof. Talk scientific reality.

  7. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    Don’t you see what’s happening there? The GBR recovered to maximum extent. Bleaching events happen due to El Nino, tsunami and pollution, but the reef recovered and is bigger than ever. The data are in, the reef is resilient. That should have been the takeaway.

    But instead, as your quote shows, the boffins crapped their pants. They can’t just tell the truth and say “all clear, GBR bigger and healthier than ever.” Their climate funding would dry up. No more conferences in Hawaii. No more fat research grants from tax-free foundations in the US. So they have to come up with some stern-sounding bluster about “well, it’s okay now — actually better than ever — but but but future bleaching events will happen, so we still need to panic.”

    (I like this answer better, so I’ve deleted a previous one.)

  8. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    Who is “trying to raise awareness”? Almost none of you defend your views with facts. Insulting my mother and squealing “flat earther” doesn’t advance any kind of intelligent discussion.

  9. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    So, lots of insults, no facts. Typical. Answer me this:

    If the warming merchants are so good at forecasting, how come none of their forecasts are right? Name me one prediction they got right. Melted ice caps by 2008? Nope. Polar bear extinction? Nope. Desertification of the US Midwest? Nope. Rising seas swarming Pacific island nations? They’re expanding. Great Barrier Reef destroyed? Nope, bigger than ever. First Avenue in New York underwater by 2005 or so? Nope, still there. Why do you trust these liars?

    What is the mechanism by which 0.0001 of a weak greenhouse gas consisting of 0.04% of the atmosphere is the rudder controlling all weather?

    Why are you worried about too much carbon dioxide when co2 levels are near historical minimums in geological terms, and are in fact near a tipping point of falling so low as to endanger plant life?

    Finally, why are all your celebrity global warming merchants grifters? Not one of them walks the walk. Bill Gates owns a fleet of private jets. Jeff Bezos owns an enormous yacht. Al Gore, David Suzuki, Lenny DiCaprio, Sting, Bono, all these guys fly private. Private jet rentals are booked solid when the WEF convenes.

    When was the worldwide, exhaustive, open public debate about this important topic? I don’t remember it. I remember “global warming” springing out of nowhere and we all had to get on board. No, if I have to cough up trillions of dollars I demand to be convinced. And if this were an honest movement, it would have happened. You’d turn on your TV in the morning and roll your eyes because, yet again, another debate between a pro-warming and anti-warming scientist. Instead, nothing, just propaganda and panic.

  10. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    If the insisted-on “remedy” is known in advance to be hopeless even if your own assumptions are correct, you are being lied to. If it were true that the 1% contribution of humanity to the 1% annual variation in the 0.04% weak greenhouse gas that is carbon dioxide is the rudder that controls the climate, then the sensible approach would be to sanction China and India to force them to change their ways. I am aware of no such sanctions.

    The purpose of the carbon taxes is not to reduce global warming; the purpose of the global warming hoax is to justify carbon taxes.