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The Nodding Head Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 12 hours ago on Matt Wuerker

    Marvelous, Matt!

  2. about 12 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    I’ll never forget the tragedy. See Gus Van Sant’s essential movie Elephant.

  3. about 12 hours ago on Henry Payne

    A Detroit-based anti-UAW cartoonist. Sheesh.

  4. about 12 hours ago on Jack Ohman

    Perfectly stated.

  5. about 13 hours ago on Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons

    On the positive side, she can’t see me when I grab her…

  6. about 13 hours ago on John Deering

    Republicans let a rabid dog loose, foolishly believing it would only bite their enemies.

  7. about 13 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    After years of encouraging anti-semitism and embracing neo-Nazis, right wing “chicken’s” (sic) suddenly are oh-so-outraged.

  8. 1 day ago on Lisa Benson

    More right wing blather

  9. 1 day ago on Scott Stantis

    The artist shows what is, beyond the eye.

  10. 1 day ago on Henry Payne

    Funny that the hard right that has done so much to encourage anti-semitism and other ethnic hatreds is suddenly so concerned. Shall we forget about the right-winger who slaughtered 11 in a Pittsburgh synagogue? Shall we put aside the “Jews will not replace us” tiki torchers? Shall we ignore the fact that Stormfront and Proud Boys and other neo-fascists are part of the MAGA base? Sure!