Castlekeraklookingwest 1977 img235

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  1. 6 months ago on Clay Jones

    Trump’s version of the KJV is known as the Wicked Bible (look it up). It suits his abilities.

  2. 8 months ago on Chip Bok

    No, I am saying Trump lied to the banks and defrauded them by doing so.

  3. 8 months ago on Chip Bok

    The people who were defrauded were the stock holders for those banks. The banks did not make as much money as they should. So that affects the price of their stocks and dividends. In essesence, Trump made out like a bandit while the stock holders were screwed

  4. 8 months ago on Tank McNamara

    CBS for showing a football game only on a pay channel.

  5. 10 months ago on Jeff Stahler

    Archaeology has also shown that a lot of things assumed were true in the Bible are not true. The Great Flood is total nonsence. There is absolutely no evidence for Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt. He supposedly had 200.000 soldiers – so the entire population would have been over a million people. That many people would have left a lot of trash behind to be found by archaeologists. No such trash has ever been found in the Sinai or Negev desert. The supposed unified state under David and Solomon did not exist as such. The story about Christs birth is also nonsense. We have the Roman records and they never had a census taken during Herod’s rule. So there was no reason for Christ’s parents to go to Bethlehem. That was a made up story to supposedly show Jesus was part of the Davidic lineage – of which there are two contradictory lists in the gospels.

  6. about 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    You got nothing. The so-called bank records do not show anything. You ought to read this article about the bank records:

    Just to cite their conclusions after looking at those bank records:“None of the bank records reviewed by Committee staff allege, or even suggest, any potential misconduct by President Biden, nor do they show President Biden’s involvement in Hunter Biden’s business relationships.”

  7. about 1 year ago on Jeff Danziger

    How about all the old cowboy films set in the Civil War period with everyone using cartridge Colts instead of ball loaded guns.

  8. over 1 year ago on Strange Brew

    You think the gospels were actually written by the apostles? They were all fishermen or laborers – neither of which had any schooling or knew how to write. Only scribes and perhaps some upper class folks could read and write back then. So who did write the gospels? Terms in them indicate they were written long after Jesus would have died. Mark probably is the earliest and it was not written until after about A.D. 55. They were not written by eye witnesses. As for Biblical accuracy – there is no evidence for the Exodus, the United Kingdoms, or for Jesus having to be born in Bethlehem. All of that is made up. There are no sites in the Sinai from said Exodus. No grand kingdom since either the Egyptians or Hittites controled the region when the United Kingdom would have existed. There was no Roman census at all during Herod’s reign (we have the Roman records about the censuses they requested), thus no need for Jesus’ folks to travel to Bethlehem. Did you know God had a wife? Ostrica that have been recovered have a depiction and description of Yahweh’s consort, Asherah. There are a lot of additional things wrong, but only believers go by the book and not by what archaeologists have found in the Levant.

  9. almost 2 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Trump Jr. released emails showing he was in contact with Russians trying to get dirt on Hillary.

    A GOP operative Jesse Benton was convicted in federal court of funneling $25,000 from a Russian businessman to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

  10. almost 2 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Happy Saturnalia, the real reason for Christmas being when it is.