
sterref05 Free

Recent Comments

  1. 9 days ago on Lio

    NAH! We’re GREAT!

  2. 15 days ago on Pearls Before Swine


  3. 15 days ago on Mike du Jour

    Did not know that, thank you.

  4. 15 days ago on Lio

    You know god could have made farts come out of our belly button silently. However he routed gas thru the two biggest hams on the human body, added a little moisture and……………. God definitely has a sense of humor.

  5. 22 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Funny ,I just got back home a few minutes ago, woke up at 2 A.M. and went to Winchells for a dozen.

  6. 25 days ago on Off the Mark

    Can’t watch or trust the “NEWS” anymore!

  7. 29 days ago on Pickles

    My grandad had a recipe for zucchini. He said, get a cutting board, go into the cow pasture & find the freshest, warmest still steaming cow pie available, spread that onto the cutting board, fillet your zucchini, place those fillets onto the cutting board, wrap the entire thing with tin foil & bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.Remove from oven, unwrap, throw the zucchini into the trash & eat the board.

  8. 29 days ago on Off the Mark

    why bring politics & hatred into a cartoon about spiders? troll maybe?

  9. 29 days ago on Lio

    Yep! can confirm,,,,,,,,I saw it myself. Might have been dreaming,however.

  10. about 1 month ago on Crumb

    After all, butter is one of the main food groups.