Grumpy cat


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  1. about 4 hours ago on The Lockhorns

    Well if Loretta didn’t insist on having company that wouldn’t be an issue, now would it?

  2. about 8 hours ago on Day by Dave

    Any crap that a four-year-old could outdo can be “art” these days. All that’s required is that it be labeled “abstract.”

  3. about 8 hours ago on Day by Dave

    Now that’s just silly. A REAL “artist” would at least have given it a more impressive-sounding name, like “Early Abstract Study.”

  4. about 8 hours ago on The Lockhorns

    …walking into the door with mussed hair, facial bruises and holding the remains of the steering column?

  5. about 8 hours ago on Lola

    Nowhere other than with the airline industry do so many people so willingly pay so much money to be treated with so much disrespect. God willing, I’ll never fly again.

  6. about 9 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    “Fine! I’ll dump Pumpkin Jed – but only if you also agree to THROW out all those useless throw pillows!”

  7. about 10 hours ago on The Lockhorns

    It wasn’t so much a matter of “eating everything” as it was of “sitting around the table for hours on end accomplishing nothing.” I can (and do!) pack away “everything” in five minutes if nobody’s watching to critique my manners.

  8. about 10 hours ago on Pluggers

    My mother used to make it her life’s mission to keep me in clothes that were less comfortable than sleeping on the couch. I made it very clear to my wife at the outset that she wasn’t going to be my mother.

  9. 1 day ago on Pluggers

    …and there are times when one must stand up even to the wife. Especially when comfort is at stake.

  10. 1 day ago on Edge City

    Here we go again!