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TwoCrows Free

A Native Raven gal from New Mexico.

Recent Comments

  1. 15 days ago on Chuck Draws Things

    I am so sorry Pigeon, the days of zits will thankfully pass.

  2. 17 days ago on Chuck Draws Things

    Oh I am so sorry your hubby struggles with this too. My best wishes to the both of you! ((Hugs))

  3. 18 days ago on Chuck Draws Things

    I wish I could let the worries build up. I worry even when there’s nothing to worry about! I go looking for worries, its awful. :(

  4. 25 days ago on Chuck Draws Things

    Its awful what dawns on us while we are sleeping!

  5. 25 days ago on The Other Coast

    Flea season is brutal!

  6. 29 days ago on Chuck Draws Things

    Yep, this describes it all. :D

  7. about 1 month ago on Chuck Draws Things

    Learning to harness negative thinking is a tough one for sure.

  8. about 2 months ago on Chuck Draws Things

    Me too, spent my entire life depressed and anxious, now that I am older I can deal with it easier knowing the root causes.

  9. about 2 months ago on Chuck Draws Things

    (last panel) Me too little Pigeon, me too.

  10. 2 months ago on Chuck Draws Things

    Its very difficult to not take this sort of thing personally, always feels like a direct attack, making one feel less valuable. Sorry little Pigeon, I know how it is.