
Sooploosh Free

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  1. 5 months ago on Garfield

    I interpreted the SCREEEEEECH as a creature roaring, but yeh its probably just a car or smthn

  2. 5 months ago on Garfield

    Its not at all a bad movie. Its a BRILLIANT tv show from 1966 that started the Kyodai Hero genre and greatly influenced all Tokusatsu. If I hear you disrespect Ultraman again I will pour molten lead down your urethra

  3. 6 months ago on Garfield

    You’ll notice that other dogs think, too. Even insects and arachnids, which have barely any consciousness at all, are still able to think. Earthworms, which only have 302 nuerons (us humans have 100 billion B)) are capable of thinking. Odie is so stupid that he literally has no thoughts.

  4. 8 months ago on Garfield

    Godzilla is no dragon. Also, Godzilla survived a H-Bomb and is immune to all forms of conventional weaponry. His Nuclear Pulse would likely wipe out all their primitive weapons. And seeing as missiles are nothing more than a prick to him, and cant even break his skin, I doubt any steel spear would do anything but crumble against his hide

  5. 8 months ago on Garfield

    yes, however, at the time, this was groundbreaking graphics. Although now Godzilla looks fake, the original 1954 film is still beautiful. It was way ahead of its time and not just because of the graphics. While most monster movies were cheesy, the despair and anguish felt in this movie (at a time when movies like Frankenstein were considered to be actually scary) was way beyond anything people had seen. And, where most movie monsters were able to be killed with guns or at the most tanks and missiles, Godzilla appeared to be invincible and unstoppable, just like that atom bomb that spawned him. Also, the reason his movements were screwed up is that the suit weighed 220 pounds and reached temperatures of up to 140 degrees F inside.

  6. 11 months ago on Garfield

    Jon literally said he would shoot himself once now that I think about it.

  7. 11 months ago on Garfield

    To be honest, it’s already been implied that Garfield has straight-up murdered mailmen before and has injured Mrs. Feeny so horribly she needed a splint and a jaw wirey thing. Jon has already expressed suicidal emotions and seems to have at one point acute psychosis, so this is the least of the darker implications.

  8. 11 months ago on Garfield

    Jon and Garfield form a suicide pact.

  9. 12 months ago on Garfield

    “History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man”

  10. 12 months ago on Garfield

    For those who are curious, it is actually to get a better view of their surroundings. It helps them spot prey and predators.