House of lynmund updated

Emily the Church Pianist Free

Learned how to read with the Beginner's Bible Stories and "Calvin and Hobbes" (both on bottom shelf of bookcase). Still love the Bible (obviously) and Calvin and Hobbes, and many other comics. Frazz is one of my more current favorites. My grandfather used to save the comics from his daily newspaper and give my sister and I the comic papers in a bag each time we came to visit. Some other favorites include, but are not limited to, BC, Peanuts, Classic Garfield, Heathcliff, Zits, and Stuffed.

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Back to B.C.

    Baby garter snakes will eat bugs. Some adults will still eat worms. Incidentally Eastern Worm Snakes and their relatives also eat bugs, as do baby DeKay’s Brown Snakes.

  2. about 2 months ago on Frazz

    Daffodils always grow late feb around here, even when we have frost.

  3. 2 months ago on Frazz

    If it was a conversation, someone else was on the other end….

  4. 3 months ago on Frazz

    Industrial size roll of black garbage bags. Seen enough to know.

  5. 3 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I got that reference!

  6. 4 months ago on Frazz

    Both should be ILLEGAL in public places and in apartments/shared residence blocks and the crackdown on ALL drugs should be way more severe than it has been. I have asthma and I lived in an apartment block and my neighbor three times quite literally drove me from my house for multi-day spans, because he had friends over who smoked pot and the smell came through the vents and set me off hardly able to breathe. Ironically, smoking of any sort was not allowed in my apartment building, and there were fines, but the landlord decided to look the other way because it wasn’t the resident doing it but a visitor. Same with the cops who I called the second time it happened because I literally had nowhere to go that night and couldn’t afford a hotel (between paychecks). I finally got permission from a relative to go to an abandoned house that belonged to my late grandmother and afterwards I had to shell out money I really couldn’t spare for several air purifiers to mitigate the effects. It was awful. You can’t imagine that kind of situation until you’ve lived with health issues like that. I have ZERO tolerance for weed users and nicotine smokers. They’re nothing more than absolutely self-centered and rude and thoughtless. There are other things you can do for fun and for calming yourself that don’t risk hurting other people’s health.

  7. 6 months ago on Wizard of Id

    House centipedes totally can bite. And it HURTS. Unless you have some weird obscure allergy it’s not going to do you permanent harm but it’s about as bad as a horsefly bite.

  8. 9 months ago on Grand Avenue

    You don’t have to have dementia to forget what you were just doing. I’m 30 and do it ALL the time just because I’m easily sidetracked.

  9. 10 months ago on Pickles

    Personally I get the willies when someone touches my head. Never have liked it.

  10. 10 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    My dad once did one that sounded like a smarmy tv infomercial salesperson pushing a product – "Helloooooo and welcome to the X household, thank yeooo for calling today! If you could just give us a few minutes of your time…’ and so on and so on. We had a lot of people stumped for a while wondering if they called the right place. Once he got tired of that joke, the four of us (Mom, dad, sister, me) did a barbershop quartet harmonized “Hello-hello-hello-hello” arpeggio before the normal message afterwards. We had a lot of fun with that answering machine back in the early 2000s.