actually “apple” is a mistranslation. “Fruit” is more accurate.In Latin the same word, “malus”, is both “apple” & …. “evil”!Some monk somewhere, translating (Hebrew into Latin, thought that "malus " would be a good translation.Still a funny cartoon, though…
Sort of reminds me of why there’s an angel atop the tree…
Santa’s late & frustrated ‘cause he’s had to deal w/an elf strike & his reindeer bolting & the bag ripping & he’s several hours late starting & along comes the X Mas angel—-“Hey Santa…”“Later, Angel.”“But, Santa…”“Later…”“But, but…”’I SAID LATER, ANGEL!!!"“But Santa, what should I do with this tree?”
Sort of reminds me of why there’s an angel atop the tree…Santa’s late & frustrated ‘cause he’s had to deal w/an elf strike & his reindeer bolting & the bag ripping & he’s several hours late starting & along comes the X Mas angel—-“Hey Santa…”“Later, Angel.”“But, Santa…”“Later…”“But, but…”’I SAID LATER, ANGEL!!!"“But Santa, what should I do with this tree?”
…GOP on left…?