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firestrike1 Free

my name is Paul, I'm 68 years young as of 2023, I live in the mythical city of Chicago, I've been a life-long reader of Dick's adventures and I'm just an observer of this life and the world we all share, but always with a sense of humor and a funny remark and an all-around good-natured and light-hearted attitude... I have no tolerance for individuals who bring negativity as well as a schitt attitude to the table... I have a way with clever verbiage and I look for the humorous and the ridiculous things about everyday life to make comments upon... and if you feel the need to get ahold of me, you can do so at firestrike@sbcglobal.net any time... so feel free... have a pheasant plucking day...

Recent Comments

  1. 40 minutes ago on Dick Tracy

    don’t let yourself be caught up in any of my heat…

    if there IS any heat, it’s all on me and I don’t want to see ANYONE caught up in it, but thanks for the words…

  2. about 1 hour ago on Dick Tracy

    then let’s not utter these actual words and names…

    political, election, racism, bigotry, immigrants, refugees, walls, insurrection, fake news, politics, President, Vice-President, assassination, November 8, January 6, DT, RJV, KH, TW JB, MTG, TC, Supreme Court, Republican, Democrat, right wing, left wing, conservative, liberal…

    all of the above should cover the entire spectrum gamut on unwanted tabooery as regards to word #11… see?…. I’m starting right now by not uttering the forbidden word… and any usage of the above, whether intended or not earns you whatever punishment and restrictions the community deem necessary and just…

    and let’s see how many of the above will be uttered uncontrollably by our resident Captain Blatant…

  3. about 2 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    jesus, can’t even make an innocent remark about snail consumption without someone getting up in the cavity…

    can never seem to win even with the most innocent dig at life’s bit of ridiculous stupidity and without any mention of the politico schitt…

    even THIS is inappropriate?!?…

  4. about 2 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Diet not telling Dick about the sarcophagus is tit-for-tat for not telling him about their first run-in to-do with Ro-Z…

  5. about 2 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    BO and Gravel-Face flew the coop from Sunny Dell?…

    and don’t tell me that there is a FOGG contingent amongst us…

    the ‘Friends Of Gravel Gert’…

  6. about 2 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    because his antennae is fully charged and ready and willing to transform ’er…

  7. about 2 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    it’s all a clever ploy to lower his guard and give himself enough rope to tighten up his Lunarian testiclular tes-tickles and hang himself by the sac…

  8. about 3 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    well, bully for him and yippee-ki-yay, motherfu…

  9. about 3 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    nah, Mysty was never one for wearing Lunarian-wear that much, it was the original Mysty who was all-out gung-ho for wearing Lunarian fashion amongst the local population of Tracyville…

    but Mysty better KEEP on wearing normal human garb, especially NOW, what with the possible bigotry towards suspected Lunarians… cover those horns, wear dark glasses and keep wearing the local fashion and don’t draw ANY attention to yourself and the same goes for Honey…

    we all know that those dam-ned Lunarian immigrants are eating up all our pet snails… dam-ned slant-eyed, cat-eyed hornhead sparkers…

  10. about 3 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    over the standing room only crowd at the Patterson…