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  1. 4 months ago on Wallace the Brave


  2. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine
    “He will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak.” The Spirit is treated not as a force, or influence, or activity of another person, but as a person in his own right, hearing from the Father and the Son, and teaching and bearing witness to men.
  3. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    first of all, the reference to moses is clearly a direct reference to Ex. 3:14, even the pharisees recognized this, “They picked up stones to stone him,” which was the punishment for blasehemy. It was so obvious, that they tried to kill him for blashphemy. Also see John 5:18, where they again tried to stone him for blashpemy because he made himslef equal with god. Also when you said, “If he was god, whom was he praying to?” He was Jesus the son of God, praying to god the father, again we fall back on the doctrine of the trinity. Also in Romans 5:12-19, Paul is merely emphasizing Christ’s human nature, because he is fully a man, but he is nowhere in that text saying that he also isn’t fully god, and no, a human could not act as a mediator for the human race. Also, the bibles makes clear the person of the holy spirit, he is not just merely a force, Jesus calls him “another counselor” in John 14:16. In John 14:17, Jesus says, “You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” Then in verse 25 he says, “I have spoken to you while I am with you.” Jesus virtually identifies the Spirit with himself. “I am with you and will be in you” is the same as saying, “I am with you and the Spirit will be in you.” “You know me now as flesh and blood Son of God. You will know me soon through the Spirit who will be given to you.” Therefore, the Spirit is no less a person than Jesus is. The Holy Spirit is described not merely as the voice of God’s teaching but as a teacher in his own right. John 14:26, “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things.” And in 15:26 he is a witness in his own right, “When the Counselor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me.” And lest we think that the Spirit is just the extended teaching activity of the Father and the Son, John 16:13 says that the Spirit first hears and then teaches: continued—>

  4. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    We see in many places that there is only one god, “I am the first and the last, and there is no God except me.” (Isaiah 44:6), but we also see in many places that there is 3 distinct persons., “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” (Matt 28:19), “according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure.” (1 Peter 1:2). We also see when jesus was baptized by john the baptist all three persons, Jesus, the father who said in you i am well pleased, and the holy spirit descending from heaven like a dove. How are these 2 truths conssistent? Many say you cannot have 1 god and 3 gods? And i say they are right. We do not claim to have 1 god and 3 gods, but one god and 3 persons. That does not mean that jesus is only 1/3rd of god, but each of them are fully god. Some of this is a mystery that we wont be able to comprehend until the age to come, but it is VITAL that we do not deny this doctrine, or else we lose the entire faith. If jesus is not god, there is no gospel.

    Aside from the textual incosistencies and the doctrinal implications of your position, you would also be going against thousands of years of christian tradition and doctrine, solidified through countless creeds and statements of faith. The doctrines of the trinity and the hypo-static union are somewhat mysterious, but altogether vital to the christian faith, and to deny them would mean doctrinal suicide. It is important that we don’t just try to explain away things that we can’t fully comprehend, because after all, god is infinte and eternal, and we are finite, so there will always be things about him we won’t be fully able to comprehend until we reach the age to come.

  5. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “I am sure you are sincere, but in actuality you are really playing with words in an effort to support the Trinity doctrine. This doctrine was originated about 300 years after the first century and was part of the great apostasy that Jesus warned would come.”

    you are, what we have come to call, and Arian, which derives from when the bishop Arias tried to find textual evidence for Jesus not being God, and pointed to many texts, like the ones you have shown to try and show how he was not god. He tried to explain away something he could not come to grips with, the fact that there could be one god and three persons. However, after the council Nicea, when Constantine gathered all of the bishops in order to respond to this heresy, they all came to the conclusion that the bible in a plethora of places declares that there is one god, but there are 3 distinct persons. They also found that Jesus claimed in so many places to be god, that he had to be either a liar, lunatic, or he was telling the truth. To claim that he did not claim to be god is doctrinal suicide.

    Aside from the overwhelming textual evidence, there arises more problems with your heresy. IfJesus was not fully god, then he could not bear the sin of the entire human race, and he could not be our mediator. If Jesus was not fully god, he could not be our savior. In the same way, if he was not also fully man at the same time (the doctrine of the hypo-static union) then he could not be our savior again, because he could not be our representative for the human race, we needed a man to pay for our sin and be a representative for us, and we needed him to be god, so that he could act as a mediator and actually bear the punishment that was meant for us. if he wasn’t fully god and fully man he could not be our savior.

    continued —>

  6. 4 months ago on Big Nate


  7. 4 months ago on Big Nate


  8. 6 months ago on Baby Blues

    you need to Venmo him 10 bucks now

  9. 6 months ago on Baby Blues

    or past

  10. 6 months ago on Baby Blues

    the present