Th marvin da martian

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  1. 5 days ago on Doonesbury

    You’re talking about Trump, yes?

  2. 5 days ago on Doonesbury

    I’d say Trump has been spoken to by Putin 16 times, Putin owns him.

  3. 5 days ago on Doonesbury

    Looks like my comment has been disappeared for some reason. I didn’t delete it. Here’s a rough copy: Now the courts are rigged there is no way to get Trump behind bars. Truly pathetic America that you’d let the biggest traitor you ever had roam free. Maybe you’ll get what you deserve. I just hope you don’t take the rest of the world down with you.

  4. 5 days ago on Doonesbury

    Only the small brains think women are not up to the job, they can also screw up as well as any other politician, Truss and Thatcher spring to mind.

  5. 5 days ago on Doonesbury

    Try Arcamax, lots of repubs there so it’s just shooting fish in a barrel.

  6. 10 days ago on Jen Sorensen

    I wonder what sort of medal he plans to award himself?

  7. 10 days ago on Joe Heller

    Over breeding, slow it down. If you have more than 2 kids you are the problem.

  8. 10 days ago on Clay Bennett

    I reckon a Trump presidency will cause one of the biggest upheavals for the rest of the world with his insular pro dictator mind set.

  9. 10 days ago on Robert Ariail

    One of the biggest travesties of justice in American history.

  10. 10 days ago on Nick Anderson

    Dollar short and a day late, he’s got his lackey.