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  1. 1 day ago on FoxTrot Classics

    forgot to lock the door. (yesterday’s strip)

  2. 3 days ago on That is Priceless

    Oh, Most definitely!

  3. 3 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    wouldn’t work; been there, tried that.

  4. 3 days ago on That is Priceless

    or perhaps the flute

  5. 3 days ago on Broom Hilda

    beat me to it.

  6. 3 days ago on The Grizzwells

    Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

  7. 5 days ago on Raising Duncan

    It’s a back saver.

  8. 6 days ago on The Elderberries

    Love it. The tool(s) that you finally get rid of is the exact tool you will need within a couple days and you will have to buy a new one: and you probably will never need it again (unless you get rid of it or give it to a friend). Actually had to use one of my “ancient” tools to repair something a few months ago and it was one of several that my wife had asked,“why do you still have that?” Hadn’t needed it for a good 10-15 years until that day.

  9. 6 days ago on Raising Duncan

    Had that happen to me last year; the barista didn’t know how to simply do a pour-over cup of coffee——at Starbucks.

  10. 6 days ago on Wizard of Id

    George Carlin did a hilarious skit re. the “zoomies”. The whole skit is on You Tube (Carlin talks about cats) and the zoomie part is near the end. I was at a good friend house when we saw this skit ‘live’ on TV – we nearly died laughing. Welllll, he had a cat, part Siamese and part Pesian, named Jinx, and about an hour later Jinx hauls a@@ out of the far bedroom at full speed, misses the turn at the end of the short hall and slams into the wall BUT continues at speed and leaps onto the TV then tries for a hanging pot in the corner of the livingroom and misses, falls against the widow sill and ends up on the back of the couch - and just as Carlin points out, he strutted away as if that was exactly what he wanted to do. I looked at my friend and we smiled and just watched Jinx: Jinx stopped for a second, licked a paw, then casually walked off the couch and out into the family room. And there he howled like he was going to die—almost exactly as Carlin describes; F&*(((&ing MEOW! Took us about 15 minutes to stop laughing.