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Must be redhead week on the ol’ Riviera.
We were looking at Valencia to retire to: very pretty but mid 80’s in early May? no thanks.
Now in Lisboa.
no, she is just being mean.
…given how she is leaning away.
Mime police.
One night I brought home a lunchbag stuffed full of warm steak scraps. My 3 GSD’s made it clear that sack was to be emptied into their bowls immediately!
Inner wolf indeed.
I thought it was a reference to electroshock therapy.
Hotel California = Camarillo State Hospital, ie. nuthouse.
a new word I learned:
meat coma
ok 2, but always more than you want.
who probably caused the outage.
…and you voted for the cheat?
Must be redhead week on the ol’ Riviera.